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An Interview With an Alien: Comments by an Undercover ET (Zeta)

In 1947 two spacecraft from the Zeta Reticuli system crashed near Roswell, NM, making a big splash in the media, a storm that continues unabated today. A book that created much controversy is the Alien Interview, by Lawrence R. Spencer. The story was supposedly produced from documents that were sent to Spencer in 2007 by a Mrs. Matilda MacElroy, formerly of the Women's Army Air Force Medical Corps. MacElroy could never be traced, and, according to Spencer, she was deceased by the time the book was released in 2007. The book has engendered a very strong following world-wide and has been translated into several languages. However, much doubt has been cast upon its authenticity. "Airl," the ET character introduced in the story, is claimed to have been a survivor of the Roswell crash. The contents of the Alien Interview document were supposedly communicated telepathically to MacElroy by Airl. In this volume, fourth in the Zeta series, Judy Carroll examines the Alien Interview book in great depth, from her unique position of being able to access the memory of the Soul Group involved with the Roswell event. Carroll is in regular contact with Zetas, as she identifies as “a blended” soul whose conscious awareness spans two planetary connections – both Earth Human and Zeta Grey. Her mission, along with other blended souls now incarnated as Earth Humans, is to be an interplanetary ambassador, introducing more clarity and deeper understanding of what has happened here in the past, and offering guidance on how to heal our future as a planetary civilization. Above all other books on Roswell, this is a clarifying must-read for anyone fascinated or confused by the strange happenings in the desert of Roswell NM in July 1947.