Dave Hodrien, BUFOG - GhostÉire - 27th July 2024, 9:00pm UTC+1
Events/Upcoming Shows
Saturday 27th, July 2024
2 minute read.
Dave Hodrien from Birmingham UFO Group (BUFOG) will be on the GhostÉire show on the 27th of July, 2024 at 9pm, discussing all things UFO related.
This show is bound to be out of this world, as we interview Dave Hodrien – the chairmen and lead investigator of the Birmingham UFO Group (BUFOG). The BUFOG hold monthly gatherings, arranging speakers to do presentations, screening documentary’s and movies, and planning occasional sky watches. Dave is also the United Kingdom Deputy Representative for the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER); a global organisation which seeks to highlight the reality of the UFO subject, and present it to a wider population. Dave has written several articles for the UFO Truth Magazine and many other magazines. As well as appearing on TV and on numerous radio shows, Dave has shared his knowledge at various conferences and has given educational talks in relation to UFO Investigation.
First up, we’ll ask Dave about ‘UFO Sightings’. Since 2008, Dave has investigated hundreds of sightings and contact experiences from around the world. He writes detailed case reports which are published on the BUFOG website. Dave will describe the different types of UFO’s, in addition he’ll disclose one particular incredible case which he investigated, where there were multiple witness reports of a sighting.
At midpoint in the episode, we’ll ask Dave on his opinions of ‘Contact and Abduction’. Dave provides regular confidential support to individuals who have experienced contact. He believes that the evidence on record points towards a consistent interaction between countless advanced extraterrestrial intelligences and the human race. Dave will enlighten us on a double abduction occurrence; supported by video evidence.
It will be all fun and games for the last topic, as we dedicate this part of the show to ‘UFO Wave’. Dave is the original designer of this UFO themed card game. You take on the persona of an alien species visiting Earth. ‘You are tasked with performing activities and absorbing energy. Use your advanced powers and craft to get the better of your opponents and avoid groups of interfering humans!’ We might have some spare time at the end of the show to play a bit of the game...
You can watch the show LIVE through our website: www.ghosteire.net by pressing the RED button on the home page, or by watching via our Facebook social media page.