Hundreds of Starlings Fall from the UK Sky
Tuesday 15th, February 2022
1 minute read.
Pembrokeshire Council said it was aware of the incident, the council said that they received a call at around 9pm on the 10th February 2022 that a number of dead starling birds were on the Hazelbeach Road, Waterston.

One of the witnesses, Michaela Pritchard was travelling from Waterston when shes came across the strange scene of dead birds spread across a section of road.

One man has reported that he heard a huge bang before seeing seven or eight birds fall from the sky onto his vehicle.

Some people have speculated that the Dragon LNG plant nearby was involved with this incident. A spokesperson for Dragon LNG said of the birds falling from the sky, "It's in the vicinity but it's normal operations at Dragon LNG. There was nothing different at the plant.".

Pembrokeshire council spokesperson added, about the incident, "Officers attended the site and there were around 200 starlings found dead on the road. The authority undertook a clean-up and removed the dead birds from site.".

"There is no clear indication as to the cause of these deaths. We have reported the incident to the Animal and Plant Health Agency.".
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