Premonition of a Goat’s Death or A Young Irish Mind Playing Tricks
Thursday 13th, June 2024
Ireland Report / Story
In a rural Irish town, an odd incident involving a goat has left a family questioning the boundaries of reality. The episode, which occurred in the vicinity of an old railway line converted into residential land, has sparked discussions of premonition and the paranormal.

According to reports, the event unfolded when the witnesses's 11 year old sister was tasked by her mother to feed a long standing resident goat. The animal, known for its mischievous escapades, was tethered to a lengthy rope as a deterrent against entering neighbouring gardens. The girl returned hysterically claiming the goat had met a grisly demise, describing it entangled in its rope with visible injuries suggestive of a predator attack.

After the mother went up to see the goat she came back to say the goat was fine and eatting grass in the field, dismissing the girls claim as an overactive imagination, the family's doubts turned to shock the following day though.

Upon a routine visit the next day to provide water, the goat's owner, the father, discovered the animal exactly as described by the girl the previous day, severely wounded, with its entrails exposed and signs of struggle evident.

"We couldn't believe what my daughter had described the day before", the witness recounted.

The incident, occurring on a spacious property bordering a forest known to host local wildlife like foxes, has prompted speculation about possible nocturnal predators. The family attests to the daughter's persistent belief in her initial account, despite her typically dismissive stance on paranormal phenomena.
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