Bigfoot Prints Claim to Have Been Found on Woodland Trail
Wednesday 12th, June 2024
2 minute read.
A set of unusual footprints discovered in the woods near Lexington has reignited speculation about the legendary Bigfoot. Local resident Aaron Thiel made the discovery during a walk through the forest, capturing the peculiar prints on camera and sharing them on Facebook.

The footprints, which were deeply pressed into the muddy trail, clearly displayed five distinct toes. Thiel described his 3.2 kilometre trek through the woods, noting he encountered no other people.

“As I was coming out of the woods on the trail, I noticed a weird footprint that had toes”, Thiel wrote. “I took a picture and kept walking, then saw more fully formed humanoid footprints. My boot is in the photo for comparison”.

Thiel provided additional details to underscore the unusual nature of his find. “My boot is size 12. It was muddy and definitely not a path to walk barefoot on. And they were fresh with no water in them…it doesn’t make sense to me. I’m 136 kilograms, wearing size 12 boots, and I barely left an imprint compared to these prints”, he explained.

The photographs Thiel posted quickly attracted attention on social media. Some users speculated that he might have uncovered evidence of a juvenile Sasquatch, while others were more sceptical, accusing Thiel of staging a hoax.

The mystery of the barefoot footprints near Lexington remains unresolved.
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