Spirit Talk: Drogheda Museum Millmount - Emerald Isle Paranormal Researchers - Episode 1, May 2024
 Online Paranormal Shows
Friday 24th, May 2024
1 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
Checkout the first episode in what appears to be a glimpse of a new series of videos and content from Emerald Isle Paranormal Researchers.

This video covers a session where it is tried to make communication with spirits, the method is known as the Estes Method.

From the Emerald Isle Paranormal Researchers video page,
Episode:01 is an interesting session that was conducted in May 2023 at the Drogheda Museum Millmount. Great dialogue during this interaction and some very interesting responses!

'Spirit Talk' is a collection of communication's we have gathered with the 'Other Side' via a communitive method call the 'Estes Method'. This involves closing off your sight and relying on audio heard through head phones via a 'Spirit Box'.

Checkout the video above or at the below link.
Here at Unexplained.ie our aim is to bring you the latest, accurate and most up to date information in unexplained mysteries, strange phenomena, the paranormal, disappearances and the oddities of the universe, especially based in and around Ireland.


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