School Locked Down Due To Person In Bigfoot Costume On School Grounds
Wednesday 8th, May 2024
2 minute read.
OBERLIN, Ohio - Schools in a district in Lorain County were put into lockdown on Wednesday, 1st of May 2024 when an unannounced visitor arrived on campus dressed in a costume, later identified as a "menacing-looking Bigfoot".

Videos shared on social media showed the figure, causing an immediate stir among students and staff. School officials later confirmed that the costume was indeed that of Bigfoot.

In a letter addressed to parents, the Firelands Local Schools superintendent detailed the incident. The unknown person parked in a school car park and traversed the campus in costume but did not enter any buildings. The letter explained, "During this time, some students at FES were outside and had to move quickly inside to safety. The school day was negatively impacted and although lockdown drills are practised regularly, the situation caused understandable concern and disruption. While some people may make light of the situation, the fact remains that we cannot waiver from the side of safety."

The Lorain County Sheriff’s Office identified the person inside the costume as a parent participating in a "prom prank". The school resource officer intercepted the individual during a traffic stop.

The school's Facebook page featured videos and photos of the incident, sparking a variety of responses from the community. One commenter remarked, “It was hilarious”, but added, “It is actually kinda scary when you think about it. There were a lot of kids close to the windows and not a single one of them felt it was suspicious. I don’t know all the details of who it was or anything but I hope this teaches kids we can’t be pranking schools as mythical creatures”.

Another comment read, “Back in the day everyone would’ve just laughed at the prank. Totally different world now, unfortunately”.

Captain Daniel Ashdown of the Lorain County Sheriff’s Office stated that a report would be sent to the Oberlin prosecutor to review the incident and determine if charges would be pressed.
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