Scientists Edge Closer To Possibly Confirming Existence Of Elusive Planet 9
 General News
Thursday 25th, April 2024
2 minute read.
Researchers from an international collaboration, including the California Institute of Technology, Université Côte d'Azur, and the Southwest Research Institute, have published new research in The Astrophysical Journal Letters suggesting further evidence of the so called Planet 9, a hypothetical planet in the outer reaches of our solar system. The study, first available on the arXiv preprint server, details the team’s findings from computer simulations based on the movements of long period objects orbiting beyond Neptune.

The existence of Planet 9 was first posited in 2015 by Caltech astronomers who noticed a peculiar clustering of objects in the solar system's outer edges, which they theorised could be influenced by a yet unseen planetary body. This new research builds on those initial findings by considering not only the gravitational effects of Neptune but also the broader dynamics exerted by the galactic tide, which encompasses gravitational forces from beyond our solar system.

The simulations conducted by the team led them to conclude that the disturbances in the orbits of these trans-Neptunian objects could most plausibly be explained by the presence of a large, distant planet. However, the nature of the simulations did not allow researchers to pinpoint the potential location of Planet 9.

"While our findings add to the growing body of evidence supporting the existence of Planet 9, we must also consider other less likely forces that could be affecting the trajectories of these distant objects", stated a spokesperson from the research team.

As the astronomical community awaits more definitive proof, the upcoming operations of the Vera Rubin Observatory in Chile are eagerly anticipated. Slated to begin next year, the observatory will have advanced capabilities to potentially detect and provide further insights into the existence of this enigmatic planet.

This ongoing research not only enhances our understanding of our own solar system but also underscores the complexities and mysteries still to be unravelled in the vast reaches of space.
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