Woman Wheels Corpse Into Bank To Sign For A Loan - Brazil - April 2024
Thursday 18th, April 2024
2 minute read.
A woman attempted to secure a loan using the identity of a deceased individual at a bank branch in a Rio suburb, Brazilian authorities reported on Wednesday.

According to Brazilian police, the woman, identified as Erika Vieira Nunes, brought a 68-year-old man in a wheelchair into the bank on Tuesday. Surveillance footage revealed that she attempted to have the man, who had been deceased for hours, sign for a loan of 17,000 reais (€3,000).

In the footage, Nunes can be seen holding a pen and prompting the motionless man to sign. "Uncle, are you listening? You need to sign," she reportedly said to the unresponsive man, even suggesting that she could sign on his behalf. She further commented, "He doesn't say anything, that's just how he is," before indicating a potential need for medical attention.

However, bank staff grew suspicious as the man's head continuously fell back, prompting them to contact authorities. Upon arrival, the police swiftly apprehended Nunes on the premises and charged her with fraud. Subsequently, the deceased individual was transported to the morgue.

The incident underscores the necessity for vigilance in financial institutions to prevent fraudulent activities. Authorities have urged the public to remain cautious and report any suspicious behaviour observed in banking transactions.
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