Peter Maxwell Slattery - Unbounded Consciousness With Biba Logan on The Biba Frequency
 Online Paranormal Shows
Friday 5th, April 2024
1 minute read.
InternationalIreland Report / Story
Peter Maxwell Slattery chats to Biba Logan on The Biba Frequency, Slattery talks about the critical importance of integrity and higher truth when seeking understanding beyond conventional boundaries and our relationship within the cosmos.

From the Conversations with Consciousness podcast:
Learn why finding our own authority, authenticity, and sovereignty is essential for aligning with the ultimate source of wisdom and compassion. Through this empowerment, we not only enrich our own lives but also extend a guiding light to others seeking their path to enlightenment.

Prepare to expand your consciousness and transcend the limits of the known universe as we venture fearlessly into uncharted territory. Join us on this quest for truth and understanding as we transcend the limitations of what we think we know.

Checkout the interview above or at the link at the end of this article.

You can also watch Peter's trailer at the link below to his 2021 documentary, Multidimensional.
Here at our aim is to bring you the latest, accurate and most up to date information in unexplained mysteries, strange phenomena, the paranormal, disappearances and the oddities of the universe, especially based in and around Ireland.


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