The Key Within - The Close Encounters Podcast - Season 2 Episode 2 - NIUFOS
 Online Paranormal Shows
Friday 8th, March 2024
1 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
The Key Within is the latest show in The Close Encounters Podcast by the Northern Ireland UFO Society (NIUFOS). In this show the host Chris McMurray talks with Aundrea Sides, a woman with an extraordinary gift in helping people realise their full potential and to help you eliminate negative, and destructive thoughts without the need for a therapist or self help books.

In part 1 of this episode:

Chris chooses a small selection of interesting and weird news in, That's What I Call News, covering:

  • Best UFO hotspots have now been mapped
  • Solar system’s Planet 9 has one last place left to hide
  • Mainstream news now paying attention to increased solar flares?
  • Researchers ask for your help in solar wind research

In part 2, we speak to Aundrea Sides, who reflects on her past experiences, her psychic abilities and how she can use her knowledge and skills to enable you to bring out the best in yourself, and eliminate the need for therapy, books and drugs.

And finally in part 3,

A brief overview of what to look forward to next episode.
Here at our aim is to bring you the latest, accurate and most up to date information in unexplained mysteries, strange phenomena, the paranormal, disappearances and the oddities of the universe, especially based in and around Ireland.


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