Two Brazilian Tribe Members Hear 'Alien' For the First Time But Know Grey Alien's By Images
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Thursday 15th, February 2024
1 minute read.
Posted on Twitter (or X as it is more commonly known now) back in November 2023 by @silvano_trotta the video interview reportedly shows two Brazilian natives from an Amazonian tribe bordering Peru. they are asked initially about 'Aliens' but appear to now understand the word, but once shown a picture of what most would consider a classic grey alien they two tribes people recognise the grey alien as what they call they Mankunawabu.

From Twitter (X):
Des indigènes brésiliens de l'Amazonie, à la frontière du Pérou, entendent le mot "Alien" pour la première fois. Mais lorsqu'on leur montre des images de "Petits Gris" (classique), ils les reconnaissent instantanément : "Ce sont des êtres souterrains, ils vivent comme des fourmis qui emmènent votre esprit sous terre...

Translated from French by Google:

Brazilian natives in the Amazon, bordering Peru, hear the word "Alien" for the first time. But when we show them images of “Little Grays” (classic), they instantly recognize them: “They are underground beings, they live like ants who take your spirit underground...

You can checkout the short clip from the interview above or at the link at the bottom of this article.
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