The Watcher - A Dublin Haunting: The Untold Story of a South Dublin Haunting
Sunday 12th, November 2023
6 minute read.
Part two in a series of articles dedicated to the reported events of a haunting in south Dublin. There are number of events that occurred in a single property in the mid 1990's in south Dublin. With one incident it might have been brushed off, but the many events experienced in the house pulls on even the most level headed person's imagination.
If you haven't read the first part, you can read it at the link at the bottom of this article. This is a never before told story which has come to us directly from the primary witness after many years of deciding if they should tell their story. The names of the family involved and exact location of the property have been changed as other residents now live in the property, most probably unaware of the previous experiences at the house.
We have broken the account down into multiple articles to make it easier to digest and to allow for more of the experiences to come back to the witness as they continue to share with us over a period of time.
The story has been recalled by the individual who at the time was approximately 12 years old when they can remember the first events that occurred.
The Darkness
After the cassette incident, even though it caused Evan to be nervous going back into his bedroom, after a couple of weeks all was forgotten and life was back to normal. Evan, nor any of his family had talked about the cassette incident since and no causes had been offered up by Evan's parents.
A while after the cassette incident, Evan started to experience an odd feeling of not being alone when in his room at night. Evan reports that it didn't matter if the lights were on or off, the feeling of not being alone in the room was there, but only well into the evening when it was dark outside.
Evan describes his bedroom layout as you walked into the room, the end of his bed was to his right, the head of the bed was to the right of the window when looking out of the window. Straight in the door against the wall was his desk and chair with the stereo on it and to the left of the desk and chair was a built in wardrobe with two doors covering the contents of the wardrobe.
Many nights when Evan would be in bed with the bedroom lights off and just the light from the landing coming in through a half opened door, Evan would get a feeling of being watched from the wardrobe. For this reason and this reason alone Even said that he almost always slept facing the wall of his room, with his back facing out to the open side of the bed.
Evan went on to say that the feeling of being watched was very unnerving and he would spend many nights awake into the early hours of the morning not being able to turn around out of fear of what he might see beside the bed or in the direction of the wardrobe.
One night in particular Evan and his two younger siblings were being minded by a sitter as Evan's parents had gone out for a few hours to meet some friends. Evan was sent to bed by the sitter and went through his night time ritual of getting the bed ready, checking the window and curtains were closed, followed by making sure the wardrobe doors were closed, then, that the bedroom door was half open and just as he turned off the bedroom light Evan would run and jump into bed, pull the blankets over and freeze, not move an inch until he woke up the next morning.
This night though it wouldn't be too long before something different occurred. As per every other night Evan had the same feeling of not being alone in the room and being watched from the direction of the wardrobe, the dark heightened the tenseness, as it would anyone fearful in a dark room. Evan described the feeling as whatever was in the room was getting ready, a feeling of almost that something or someone was about to burst out of the wardrobe and run to the side of his bed, Evan with no idea of what would happen from that point so he just stayed still and tried to go to sleep.
The room was silent except for the distant buzz of a television downstairs and the hum of passing cars on a nearby road, then the silence was broken by a bag from outside in the distance, the house was plunged into darkness, with Evan having an overwhelming feeling he had to get out of the room as whatever was in the wardrobe was going to seize the moment to do whatever it had been biding it's time for an opportunity like this, in the darkness with no light except for a bright flash outside his window.
Evan didn't stick around, he was out of his bed, through the bedroom door and down the stairs three steps at a time to find the sitter getting off the couch to go looking for candles or a torch due to the power being out.
It would turn out that an electricity sub-station had blown up down the road, near where Evan's parents were out with friends, a large area was without power for a couple of hours.
Evan recalls that he stayed up with the sitter refusing to go back to bed until his parents came home but Evan states that he is unsure how long that was for and also further stated that he can't recall if he went back to bed in his room or not that night.
The description given above of an experience or experiences that Evan went through could easily be brushed off as a child scared of the dark with an inherent fear of wardrobes that most cartoons show that the wardrobe is where the bad things hide. But as we dig deeper into Evan's story and experiences we'll see there is a lot more to this one event and other events that Evan went through and experienced in that house and how the different events built on each other.
A side note on the cassette event. Evan did ask his father about the cassette event years later on in life but his father said something to the effect of , 'ah, that didn't happen' and brushed him off reportedly.
If you haven't read the first part, you can read it at the link at the bottom of this article. This is a never before told story which has come to us directly from the primary witness after many years of deciding if they should tell their story. The names of the family involved and exact location of the property have been changed as other residents now live in the property, most probably unaware of the previous experiences at the house.
We have broken the account down into multiple articles to make it easier to digest and to allow for more of the experiences to come back to the witness as they continue to share with us over a period of time.
The story has been recalled by the individual who at the time was approximately 12 years old when they can remember the first events that occurred.
The Darkness
After the cassette incident, even though it caused Evan to be nervous going back into his bedroom, after a couple of weeks all was forgotten and life was back to normal. Evan, nor any of his family had talked about the cassette incident since and no causes had been offered up by Evan's parents.
A while after the cassette incident, Evan started to experience an odd feeling of not being alone when in his room at night. Evan reports that it didn't matter if the lights were on or off, the feeling of not being alone in the room was there, but only well into the evening when it was dark outside.
Evan describes his bedroom layout as you walked into the room, the end of his bed was to his right, the head of the bed was to the right of the window when looking out of the window. Straight in the door against the wall was his desk and chair with the stereo on it and to the left of the desk and chair was a built in wardrobe with two doors covering the contents of the wardrobe.
Many nights when Evan would be in bed with the bedroom lights off and just the light from the landing coming in through a half opened door, Evan would get a feeling of being watched from the wardrobe. For this reason and this reason alone Even said that he almost always slept facing the wall of his room, with his back facing out to the open side of the bed.
Evan went on to say that the feeling of being watched was very unnerving and he would spend many nights awake into the early hours of the morning not being able to turn around out of fear of what he might see beside the bed or in the direction of the wardrobe.
One night in particular Evan and his two younger siblings were being minded by a sitter as Evan's parents had gone out for a few hours to meet some friends. Evan was sent to bed by the sitter and went through his night time ritual of getting the bed ready, checking the window and curtains were closed, followed by making sure the wardrobe doors were closed, then, that the bedroom door was half open and just as he turned off the bedroom light Evan would run and jump into bed, pull the blankets over and freeze, not move an inch until he woke up the next morning.
This night though it wouldn't be too long before something different occurred. As per every other night Evan had the same feeling of not being alone in the room and being watched from the direction of the wardrobe, the dark heightened the tenseness, as it would anyone fearful in a dark room. Evan described the feeling as whatever was in the room was getting ready, a feeling of almost that something or someone was about to burst out of the wardrobe and run to the side of his bed, Evan with no idea of what would happen from that point so he just stayed still and tried to go to sleep.
The room was silent except for the distant buzz of a television downstairs and the hum of passing cars on a nearby road, then the silence was broken by a bag from outside in the distance, the house was plunged into darkness, with Evan having an overwhelming feeling he had to get out of the room as whatever was in the wardrobe was going to seize the moment to do whatever it had been biding it's time for an opportunity like this, in the darkness with no light except for a bright flash outside his window.
Evan didn't stick around, he was out of his bed, through the bedroom door and down the stairs three steps at a time to find the sitter getting off the couch to go looking for candles or a torch due to the power being out.
It would turn out that an electricity sub-station had blown up down the road, near where Evan's parents were out with friends, a large area was without power for a couple of hours.
Evan recalls that he stayed up with the sitter refusing to go back to bed until his parents came home but Evan states that he is unsure how long that was for and also further stated that he can't recall if he went back to bed in his room or not that night.
The description given above of an experience or experiences that Evan went through could easily be brushed off as a child scared of the dark with an inherent fear of wardrobes that most cartoons show that the wardrobe is where the bad things hide. But as we dig deeper into Evan's story and experiences we'll see there is a lot more to this one event and other events that Evan went through and experienced in that house and how the different events built on each other.
A side note on the cassette event. Evan did ask his father about the cassette event years later on in life but his father said something to the effect of , 'ah, that didn't happen' and brushed him off reportedly.