Late Night Ghostly Mystery Visitor
Tuesday 20th, June 2023
2 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
The witness was renovating a house approximately four miles down the road and during this time the witness and his family were staying in his in-laws house which was a standard two up, two down council house.

The witness was in the house with just himself and the two kids on the night in question, his wife and in-laws had gone out for the night.

The witness states that it was around 9:30pm at night, and as the witness was up for work at 5:30am the next morning they were in bed and so were the two kids.

The two kids were in the room next to the witness, and the stairs came up in the house onto a small corridor.

The witness was in bed when he heard the sound of what he described as someone slowly and heavily walking up the stairs.

The witness claims to have heard the last four or five footsteps on the stairs and then heavy footsteps down the hallway and the hallway light being switched on.

At this stage the witness awake and quickly out the bedroom door only to find his two kids at the room of their door with the same confused look on their faces.

The witness went downstairs and checked the rest of the house to find it was all locked up as they had left if before going to bed.

The witness told their kids it was their granddad that had come back to get something he forgot to calm the two children as they were freaked out by the experience.

The witness said it to his wife but the wife insisted that as kids neither she nor any of her family had ever experienced any strange or ghostly in the house.
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