Ghost Caught On Camera In T-Shirt Shop?!
Tuesday 6th, June 2023
2 minute read.
A T-Shirt shop in the French Quarter of New Orleans called NOLA T-Shirt claims to have captured a ghost on their surveillance cameras on Sunday night.

The videos shows on of the doors in the top right of the video open, followed by an 'orb' in the bottom left of the video which is followed by reflections in a door seen in the top right of the video which looks like someone or something moving.

Jackie Abston, co-owner of the shop, told WGNO that nothing was moved or touched in the store when they checked it the next morning. She said they have felt the presence of spirits in their store before, but this was the first time they caught something on camera.

She went on to say,
"I hear footsteps a lot when nobody is in there and sometimes the lamp will turn off unexpectedly. It doesn't scare me. I believe if the store is haunted then it is definitely a friendly ghost who loves T-shirts and the spirit of all things New Orleans. I believe this won't be the last time we will be visited by our local French Quarter ghosts,"

Check out the video above or at the link below.
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