First Livestream From The Red Planet (Mars) - 2nd June 2023 @ 5pm
Thursday 1st, June 2023
1 minute read.
The first live broadcast straight from the red planet will take place on Friday the 2nd of June 2023 at 5pm to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the European Space Agency's long-lived Mars Express orbiter.

The ESA wrote,
"On Friday, to celebrate the 20th birthday of ESA's Mars Express, you'll have the chance to get as close as it's currently possible get to Mars,"

"Tune in to be amongst the first to see new pictures roughly every 50 seconds as they're beamed down directly from the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) on board ESA's long-lived but-still-highly-productive martian orbiter."

Check out the live stream above or at the link below.
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