Blue Swirl Seen In Alaska's Skies
Tuesday 18th, April 2023
1 minute read.
A blue swirl which was seen in the skies over Alaska has been attributed to a SpaceX rocket launch on Friday the 14th of April 2023.

The spiral was reported to have been caused by excess fuel released from a SpaceX rocket which took off a few hours prior to the swirl appearing in the Alaskan skies.

Don Hampton, a research associate professor at University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute said,
"Sometimes rockets have fuel that needs to be jettisoned (dropped from the aircraft). When they do that at high altitudes, that fuel turns into ice,"

"And if it happens to be in the sunlight, when you're in the darkness on the ground, you can see it as a sort of big cloud, and sometimes it's swirly."

The appearance of the spiral seen in the skies over Alaska caused a stir on the internet with some people questioning was it a portal or an alien invasion.
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Image is credited to Christopher Hayden for the listing image on this article.

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