Nessie Caught On Camera Again?!
Tuesday 11th, April 2023
2 minute read.
John Payne from Newport, Wales claims that he caught the Loch Ness Monster on camera from his hotel window.

Mr. Payne describe what he saw as a "huge neck" bobbing along on the water's surface.

Mr. Payne was staying at the Foyers Roost guest house by Loch Ness when he witnessed the object in the water. He puts the size of the object down to being too large to be anything but the Loch Ness monster.

He said,
"It must have been something very large because we were about a mile away from the loch and I could see it clearly."

"You wouldn't have been able to see a bird or anything from that far away - it had to be something large."

"It was like a huge neck."

"It wasn't like it was tied to anything, like a buoy, because it kept moving further away."

"I showed some people at the hotel and they were all really shocked"

"I went down to the loch later that day but I couldn't see anything."

"I looked at other Nessie pictures and these do look similar to it."

Mr. Payne's sighting comes days after Francesca McGarvey, a 13 year old school girl along with her mother and father had the first officially accepted sighting of Nessie this year on the 5th or April 2023 at approximately 12pm.
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