Irish Loch Ness Hunter Believes That Two Unknown Creatures Live In Loch Ness
Monday 13th, March 2023
2 minute read.
InternationalIreland Report / Story
Loch Ness hunter, Eoin O'Faodhagain from Donegal was watching a webcam of the loch when he spotted a dark object just under the water which he estimates to have been up to 30 feet in length.

Following the spotting of these first 'creature', Mr. O'Faodhagain said that about an hour later he spotted two humps surfacing near to where the first 'creature' was spotted. He states that both 'creatures' appeared to be moving away from eachother.

Mr. O'Faodhagain said,
"It is obvious that the two Nessie-like humps are moving over a two-minute period, and the larger hump of the two has changed position from the smaller one."

"Given the fact that there is no disturbance of water visible between objects you would have to concur they are two separate moving creatures."

He went on to say,
"What animal could be that long?"

"What is strikingly obvious about sightings at Loch Ness, is that eyewitnesses could be viewing two different creatures coexisting in the one lake."

"What the other creature is could be completely unknown. What we do know is there are a hell of a lot of eels in Loch Ness, having the odd rogue giant one is not beyond the realm of reality."

Mr. O'Faodhagain, in his own opinion there has to be two different 'creatures' in the lake of the same scale or size and it makes sense to him when there have been differing reports of sightings over the years.

Mr. O'Faodhagain sighting was captured on the Shoreland Lodges web camera, near Fort Augustus on the loch's southern shore, using a web camera maintained by Visit Inverness Loch Ness.
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