Lilienfeld Children's Hospital - Lilienfelder Kinderspital - Haunted Hospital #1
Monday 27th, September 2021
2 minute read.
After being in existence for 104 years the abandoned building of Lilienfeld Children's Hospital (Lilienfelder Kinderspital) in Vienna, Austria was removed by demolition crews in 2018.

Hospitals seem to have an also expected attachment to ghosts and hauntings which is understandable to an extent due to the number of people who sadly passed away in these buildings.

There can be a bit of bias when it comes to a supposedly haunted hospital as to believe a hospital is haunted you kind of need to believe that spirits and ghosts exist and you also need to have a wafer thin, at minimum, belief in the religious association of death, passing on, good and evil etc.

Before Lilienfelder Kinderspital was to be brought to the ground a group of local paranormal investigators went to investigate the location on the back of reports that the hospital was haunted. This is second hand information which at a start would lead to some believing that the group we're investigating simply because it was a hospital.

The local group called 'Vienna Ghosthunters' said that on their investigation, "In particular, on the first floor one could repeatedly observe shadows going around a corner, clearly, and not, as we are used to, out of the corner of the eye" said Wilhelm Gabler, spokesperson of the group.

Wilhelm went on to say "We didn't hear any footsteps, but picked out voices clearly. They varied between typical male voices and children's voices. We managed to tape some of them", further to this a member of the investigation team reported a 'child-like' presence pulling at the team members coat, "We found one moment especially frightening. We were about to leave the building when we heard a muffled thud and saw an old child's shoe falling down in front of us out of the blue."

This story will be part of a series of articles in relation to reported haunted hospitals and the odd incidents reported in or around the hospital buildings.
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