Irish Astronomer Dr. Eamonn Ansbro Claims Of 40 UFO Sightings in County Roscommon, Ireland
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Friday 24th, February 2023
2 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
Hot on the heals of the Day of the Unexplained paranormal convention in New Ross, County Wexford on the 18th of February 2023 where Dr. Ansbro was a speaker, Dr. Ansbro claims that he has recorded 40 UFO sightings over Roscommon in the last 22 years.

Dr. Ansbro has eleven CCTV cameras pointed to the sky to capture whatever many pass in front of them 24/7.

With these CCTV cameras and software it's stated that the software can pick out only unidentified objects and discount other things like planes and birds etc.

Dr. Ansbro stated, "We actually established a surveillance system here. It's been operating for more than 22 years."

"This is an all-sky camera system made up of 11 cameras and we've recorded a number of UFOs. At my observatory, the system has picked up about 40 in total."

"We've actually got recordings of triangular-type constructs on two occasions, over the years. And we've got a dumbbell-shaped object as well."

"There's been a serious attempt to instrument the research here, which I've been doing for the last 22 years, with some success."

"Along with the 11 cameras, there are also two tracking platforms, these are more powerful camera systems that can track the UFOs if they appear."

"So we actually have told the programme to differentiate between birds, helicopters, and aircraft."

"The UFO has particular characteristics to it, which we have put into the programme as well which means that we actually do get the results we want and we're not ending up with aircrafts, helicopters or birds."

As a side note to what Dr. Ansbro has stated above it would be very interesting to see what software is used for identification or filtering out these objects caught on the CCTV cameras.
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