David Paulides Launches Bigfoot 101 Class On Youtube - Class 17
Friday 10th, February 2023
1 minute read.
David Paulides has released class 17 in his Bigfoot 101 class via Youtube to 'inform' individuals on what bigfoot is and isn't. Paulides says about the class.
Link to video at bottom of the article.
Paulides goes on to say, "There's a lot of opinion out there, there's nothing short of opinions on bigfoot".
"You have TV shows that go out and bang on walls, you got TV shows that walk around in the night and everything that goes boo"
"You have TV shows that go out and try to hunt it"
As Paulides goes through his introduction into some of what seems to be his motivation for making these new videos he drops in a form of Albert Einstein's definition of insanity saying, "how many times do you go out doing the same thing, the same exact thing and expect something to be different, and nothing changes".
Paulides has released the first in an expected series of videos related to his 'Bigfoot 101 Class', first show is linked below for anyone interested.
Paulides further states, "The idiocy associated with some of these shows is beyond words".
Link to video at bottom of the article.
Paulides goes on to say, "There's a lot of opinion out there, there's nothing short of opinions on bigfoot".
"You have TV shows that go out and bang on walls, you got TV shows that walk around in the night and everything that goes boo"
"You have TV shows that go out and try to hunt it"
As Paulides goes through his introduction into some of what seems to be his motivation for making these new videos he drops in a form of Albert Einstein's definition of insanity saying, "how many times do you go out doing the same thing, the same exact thing and expect something to be different, and nothing changes".
Paulides has released the first in an expected series of videos related to his 'Bigfoot 101 Class', first show is linked below for anyone interested.
Paulides further states, "The idiocy associated with some of these shows is beyond words".