Brothers Capture Ghostly Voice On Video At Adelphi Hotel In Liverpool
Monday 20th, February 2023
2 minute read.
Three brothers in the United Kingdom are scared to go back to the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool after they claim to have captured a ghostly voice on a video they recorded in the hotel.

The brothers were staying in the Adelphi Hotel after attending an Elton John concerts, Kerry Butters said, "We went to see Elton John at Anfield and we stayed in the Adelphi Hotel on the Friday and Saturday.".

Kerry Butters (52) was staying in the hotel with his two brothers, Darrell (51) and Nicky (38).

Kerry went on to say,

"We decided to go for a walk round the hotel on the Saturday where I got three or four videos of the hotel. I never noticed at first and it was only when I sent the videos off to friends that I got messages saying there was a voice. I then sent them off to a ghost channel from YouTube who said we had something."

"I didn't hear anything until we watched them back. I've never had anything like this happen before. The hotel was alright, it was just packed when we checked in on the Friday."

The hotel was given the title as the 'most haunted hote' in the United Kingdom by Tom Slemen in 2015 when he said,

“The Adelphi - in my humble opinion, is the most haunted hotel in the UK and some incredibly strange incidents have gone on in both the present Adelphi and the one that stood there before it in Victorian times.

“I often gave talks in the hotel's Sefton Suite, and was unaware that this suite is an exact copy of the Titanic's First Class Smoking Lounge, built by the same craftsmen hired by the White Star line."

"During one talk, there was standing room only, and I and many other people saw three men standing at the far end of the room who were dressed as naval officers with white caps and dark jackets with all the braiding.”%/quotes_s%
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