2022 Annual Report On Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Released
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Friday 13th, January 2023
1 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
A long and hotly awaited report on unidentified aerial phenomena has been released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and it's not surprise that the report is largely a major letdown.

The 12 page report is small in size and if we take the cover page, content page and appendix pages away we're left with 6 pages of content.

Withing these 6 pages there is very little new or earth shattering information, it is more a twist or rework of known numbers and looks to be an opportunity to dismiss anything that might have any credibility.

See for yourself, you can see the report at the below link.
Here at Unexplained.ie our aim is to bring you the latest, accurate and most up to date information in unexplained mysteries, strange phenomena, the paranormal, disappearances and the oddities of the universe, especially based in and around Ireland.


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