Irish Man Dies In Fall From Moving Train In Thailand
Tuesday 27th, December 2022
2 minute read.
InternationalIreland Report / Story
A 45 year old Irish man, Patrick Ward has died in a fall from a moving train in Thailand.

Mr. Ward's password is reported to have stated that he was born in New Zealand, but his current place of residence was not immediately known.

It's been reported that Mr. Ward entered Thailand on the 26th of December 2022.

Local police are reported to have stated that Mr. Ward was travelling by train with a tour group from the capital Bangkok to Kanchanaburi, where the bridge over the River Kwai which as made famous in the film about the railway constructed by forced labour under Japanese Second World War occupation.

After a brief stop, the group proceeded to Sai Yok waterfall, another popular tourist destination.

Police Major Kiatisak Kerdchok of the Sai Yok police said that, according to witnesses, when the train had slowed down at a scenic spot, Mr. Ward had opened a door in the carriage and fallen seven to eight metres down a slope.

Local media reports suggested Mr Ward was trying to take a photograph when the accident occurred shortly before noon.

Police found Mr Ward's body at the scene with wounds but none that suggested foul play.

Mr Kiatisak said a full post-mortem examination would be conducted on Wednesday in Bangkok, and that fellow members of the tour group would be questioned.
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