Richard D Hall 'Interviewed' On Disaster Trolls Podcast In Relation to Manchester Arena Bombing
 General News
Thursday 24th, November 2022
2 minute read.
Richard D Hall has been 'interviewed' on a recent enough episode of Disaster Trolls, a BBC podcast presented by Marianna Spring from the BBC.

As per the correspondence between Richard and Marianna, Richard D. Hall repeatable stated he did not want to be interviewed by the BBC as he didn't believe he would be portrayed correctly by the BBC and that his words would either be twisted or edited in a way to make him look bad.

Despite these correspondences (available on Richard D. Hall's website), Marianna Spring showed up with a camera man (Tom) and another individual who is reported to be working on a Panorama show.

A short interaction is had in the brief video (also available on Richard D. Hall's website) and a short podcast was released by the Disaster Trolls podcast for the BBC where Marianna describes what happened when she confronted Richard D. Hall.

The heart of the interaction at the market stall with Richard D. Hall and Marianna Spring is around the video made by Mr. Hall in relation to the Manchester Arena bombing which cost 22 people their lives and injuring over 100 other people on the night of the attack.

The podcast goes on to talk about the dangers of videos that Mr. Hall has made and released and the allegations which are put forward.

Mr. Hall has a sizable enough following in Ireland.

You can listen to the podcast below and read the correspondence between Richard D. Hall and Marianna Spring.
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