Security Guard Talks To 'Ghost' In Argentina
Monday 21st, November 2022
1 minute read.
A security guard has been filmed on CCTV talking to and signing in a 'ghost' at the Finochietto Sanatorium car centre in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The CCTV footage has been reported to be captured at 3am at the care centre.

The security guard is seen to get up which his clipboard after the automatic doors open and proceeds to chat as if there is someone there and lets them past the section divider.

Additionally the security guard goes to get a wheelchair for the 'ghost' and continues to chat to the 'ghost'.

The security guard is reported to have stated that he saw an old woman and chatted to her and let he through. Following the incident the security guard found out that the woman he supposedly chatted with had died the previous day.

You can check out the footage above or at the link below.
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