Gemma O'Doherty Convicted And Fined For Breaching Covid-19 Regulations
 General News
Wednesday 16th, November 2022
2 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
Former journalist Gemma O'Dherty has been convicted and fined in her absence for breaching Covid-19 regulations by leaving her home in Dublin and travelling to Cork in December 2020 for an anti-lockdown protest.

The Cork District Court heard evidence from Sargent Tim McAuliffe who said that the 54 year old was part of a group of people at the anti-lockdown protest on Grand Parade in Cork City on the 12th of December 2020.

Sargent McAuliffe said that O'Doherty addressed the crowd at 4.25pm.

Sargent McAuliffe further said that O'Doherty, of Shankill in Dublin, addressed the group on the subject of the lockdown, she insisted the virus was a "hoax" and that "RTÉ was spreading lies on behalf of the Government" about Covid-19.

The group then went outside the studios of RTÉ in Cork before heading to the office of Taoiseach Micheál Martin on Evergreen Road in Cork City.

The group then went back into Grand Parade in Cork City centre then shortly after 7pm Sargent McAuliffe engaged with O'Doherty and asked her if she had a reasonable excuse to leave her county.

Sargent McAuliffe said that O'Doherty began recording him telling him that he did not know the Constitution or his oath and that she was on "essential duties".

He stated that from what he observed she was not carrying out any journalistic duties and was instead actively engaging in protest against the restrictions in place in the country due to Covid-19.

Garda Dennehy said he arrived at the Grand Parade at 2.50pm on the 12th of December 2020 and took a series of photographs of people who were in attendance at the protest. He took 137 photographs including images of O'Doherty addressing the crowd.

Judge O'Leary convicted and fined O'Doherty €750, giving her five months to pay the amount.

O'Doherty was convicted of breaching a penal provision of a regulation made under Section 31 (A) of the Health Act, 1947 as amended to prevent, limit, minimise or slow the spread of Covid-19.
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