'Golden' Object Over Racecourse, Galway, Ireland - February 1995
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Monday 10th, October 2022
3 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
The witness describes a 'golden orb' suddenly appearing over a racecourse in Galway in 1995 that hovered for approximately 20 minutes and then disappeared.

The rain had stopped and the sky was reportedly clear with the sun out, described by the witness as "Perfect weather. Sunny.".

The witness was at the races with their father and its reported that there were approximately 20,000 other attendees, staff etc. at the races that day.

The object is reported to have just appeared suddenly over the middle of the racecourse, described as "a golden orb/a shining sphere". The witness says that there was nothing visible under the object but grass.

The witness goes on to say that the only newspaper to run a story the next day was a local paper which is reported to have tried to explain the object, the paper was not named and there are no online reports in any papers from that area available at present, being 1995 it's possible that only an archived paper copy exists if even that.

The witness goes on to explain that the object was seen between races and there was no mass hysterics, the event being described by the witness as "all quite relaxed at the time".

The witness states that the races were broadcast on live national television (RTE). There is a bit of confusion with the statement the report makes saying they witnessed it there own eyes as well as watching it live on television, maybe the witness meant they had recorded the races from live television while at the races and was able to watch the recording back at a later date.

The object was seen for between 20 to 25 minutes and then suddenly disappeared as quickly as it had first appeared. The witness reports there being no reaction from the crowd when the object disappeared.

Interestingly the witness goes on to say that years later, after the sighting at the Galway races the witness asked their mother (living in Dublin) if they had ever told her about the object they witnessed at the races at the time. The mother reportedly had no recollection of the encounter being told to her.

The witness states that after talking to their mother they are unsure if it was a "mass-hypnotized" event that caused everyone to forget the encounter for a period of time as no one mentioned the event since apart from the one local newspaper that no record can be found of the article.
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