Ghost Investigators, Are They Asking The Wrong Questions?!
Monday 19th, September 2022
3 minute read.
Ghost investigators, hunters, searchers, seekers, whatever they may call themselves, have they all been asking the wrong questions?
Most ghost investigators will go to a location based on history or reports of an apparition being seen on the grounds or in a building with the over arching goal to find evidence that ghosts exist.
But if we take a step back from the endgame question and think about what is being asked. Should investigators be asking are ghosts at this location, is there a poltergeist throwing objects around the house, does this person have a physical injury from an unseen entity?
All valid questions! But the question should be not where can I get the evidence to prove ghosts exists, the questions should be what is happening to make two potential different planes or possibly dimensions to bleed into each other, why is it that the voice of the 'deceased' can be caught on electrical devices or what is there and 'energy' in this hall or bedroom and not the bathroom?
There are many more specific questions that should be answered or tried to be answered first before any investigator goes down the route of 'theres a ghost in that building, lets try catch it on video'.
Another thing that needs to be answered is, what is a ghost? How do you define what a ghost is? Most people will think this is a silly question, but if you think about it we as humans at this moment in time have no idea, a ghost could be a by product of the power of persuasion on the brain, a ghost could be a visual anomaly caused by environmental factors working with or against how the brain perceives what it's seeing.
As science evolves we see a lot of the strange things that happen or are experienced fade away as science has a relativity acceptable explanation.
Cases of old hang syndrome or alien abductions can easily be explained by sleep paralysis, mostly all cases, there is always an exception, but even with that exception there is nothing to say that in years to come these exceptions wont be explained, science might catch up and have a plausible suggestion or even an answer.
There are many cases of ghosts, alien encounters, fairies, black cats etc. where a lot if not the majority can be explained but if investigators don't ask the difficult questions that could challenge the idea or belief in ghosts of any paranormal topic the wheel will keep turning and will be passed from one generation to the next with no answers in sight, stuck in the perpetual circle of not wanting to rock the boat for fear of finding out what was being looked for was never even there to start with or that the truth is far more complex or even stranger.
Most ghost investigators will go to a location based on history or reports of an apparition being seen on the grounds or in a building with the over arching goal to find evidence that ghosts exist.
But if we take a step back from the endgame question and think about what is being asked. Should investigators be asking are ghosts at this location, is there a poltergeist throwing objects around the house, does this person have a physical injury from an unseen entity?
All valid questions! But the question should be not where can I get the evidence to prove ghosts exists, the questions should be what is happening to make two potential different planes or possibly dimensions to bleed into each other, why is it that the voice of the 'deceased' can be caught on electrical devices or what is there and 'energy' in this hall or bedroom and not the bathroom?
There are many more specific questions that should be answered or tried to be answered first before any investigator goes down the route of 'theres a ghost in that building, lets try catch it on video'.
Another thing that needs to be answered is, what is a ghost? How do you define what a ghost is? Most people will think this is a silly question, but if you think about it we as humans at this moment in time have no idea, a ghost could be a by product of the power of persuasion on the brain, a ghost could be a visual anomaly caused by environmental factors working with or against how the brain perceives what it's seeing.
As science evolves we see a lot of the strange things that happen or are experienced fade away as science has a relativity acceptable explanation.
Cases of old hang syndrome or alien abductions can easily be explained by sleep paralysis, mostly all cases, there is always an exception, but even with that exception there is nothing to say that in years to come these exceptions wont be explained, science might catch up and have a plausible suggestion or even an answer.
There are many cases of ghosts, alien encounters, fairies, black cats etc. where a lot if not the majority can be explained but if investigators don't ask the difficult questions that could challenge the idea or belief in ghosts of any paranormal topic the wheel will keep turning and will be passed from one generation to the next with no answers in sight, stuck in the perpetual circle of not wanting to rock the boat for fear of finding out what was being looked for was never even there to start with or that the truth is far more complex or even stranger.