Mysterious Death Of Zigmund Adamski
Monday 12th, September 2022
4 minute read.
On the 6th of June 1980 Zigmund Adamski, a coal miner from Tingley in Leeds, England would become the unwitting centre of a mysterious case that still to this day has remained unexplained.

Five days after what was meant to be a short trip to the shops, 56 year old, Mr Adamski's body was found 20 miles away from his home in a coal yard in Todmorden. Mr Adamski's body was found by a passerby, Trevor Parker.

Apart from the odd fact that Mr Adamski's body was found so far away in a coal yard but the oddities only continued. Mr Adamski's body was found on top of a coal pile, Mr Adamski was wearing a suit but his shirt was missing, never to be found.

Further more to the missing item of clothing, Mr Adamski's wallet and watch were missing. Additionally Mr Adamski's body was found to have what appeared as burn marks on the back of his head, neck and shoulders.

The coroner who dealt with Mr Adamski's body, James Turnbull said, "The question of where he was before he died and what led to his death just could not be answered.", he further more went on to state that Mr Adamski's case was the biggest mystery of his career.

Mr. Turnbull also stated that a strange ointment appeared to have been used on Zigmund's burns which could not be identified by forensic scientists.

Another strange fact noted by the coroner was that despite being missing for five days, Mr Adamki's body only appeared to show one day of beard growth.

Some reports state that Mr Adamski appeared to have had the back of head his shaved as well as a deep, open, horizontal cut on the back of his neck.

The first police officer reported to have arrived on the scene was Alan Godfrey, it has been reported in some cases that Constable Godfrey and a colleague had observed strange lights in the sky a few hours before the call came in about Mr Adamski's body being found in the coal yard.

It's also noted in another source that a consultant pathologist, Dr Alan Edwards who examined Mr Adamski's body said that the injuries found on Mr Adamski's body would not have been enough to kill him but that the cause looks to have been a heart attack. Dr Edwards is reported to have also said that the expression on Mr Adamski's face indicated that he may have died of shock or fright.

At the inquest into Mr Adamski's death a few points were made that left the verdict open to many more questions. At the inquest it was said that no definitive facts in this case could be found that might have contributed to Mr Adamski's death.

Tony Dodd quoted the coroner in saying, "that the failure of the forensic scientists to identify the corrosive substance which caused Mr. Adamski's burns could lend some weight to the UFO theory".

Following the inquest Mr Dodd states that constable Godfrey reported that two shadowy individuals visited the police station where Godfrey was based, Godfrey indicated that the two men had authority and that they instructed Godfrey to keep quiet about the case.

Then in 2003, British author Jane Goldman had Gary Heseltine (a British Transport Police officer) on a documentary about the Adamski case and Mr Heseltine pointed out that Godfrey was not only reminded of the oath he had taken under secrecy legislation but Mr Godfrey was compelled to re-sign the offical secrets act. If this is true then there was someone that didn't want Godfrey to talk about what he saw or knew about the Adamski case to anyone.

Mr Godfrey claimed to have encountred a UFO which made headlines globally. Mr Godfrey said, "I wish I'd never seen the UFO, particularly because of the effects on my children.".

"It's not easy having a policeman as a father but when he's a policeman who saw a UFO its even worse."

Eventually after the UFO sighting, Mr Godfrey left the police force and started a new career.

Another angle is that Mr Adamski was killed by the KGB or that he was struck by lighting.
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