GhostÉire Episode 47 - Morgan Daimler
Friday 2nd, September 2022
1 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
In this episode we see host Anthony Kerrigan interviewing blogger, poet, teacher of esoteric subjects, witch and priestess of the Daoine Maithe, Morgan Daimler.

The interview is taken up with a lengthy discussion on The Morrígan.

The Morrígan is a figure in Irish mythology which is commonly associated with war, it's said that The Morrígan foretold death and the outcome of a battle.

Some comparisons and connections between The Morrígan and the Banshee are also discussed.

The interview moves on and discusses other topics like Norse Mythology, Fairies, Changelings and much more.

The full interview can been seen above of by following the links below.
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