Possible Triangle UFO Sighting in County Cork, Ireland - 5th February 2021
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Wednesday 20th, July 2022
2 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
The witness was out for a run on the morning of the 5th of February 2021 when they were approximately 5.5km south east from Cork City centre.

At approximately 4.45am in the Blackrock area the witness reports that a street light started to flicker ahead of them and "buzz loudly".

As the witness stopped at the street light to see what was going on they reported that they turned northwards and looked up a dirt road leading away from the main road they were running on.

At this moment in time the witness noticed a break in the clouds which the witness says revealed three lights of a pale blue colour all moving in a southward direction.

All three lights are reported to have stayed at equal distances for the duration of the sighting. The movement of the lights, "giving the impression of a singular large object with three points of lights on the bottom" the witness said.

The witness also said that they listened for aircraft or drones but didn't hear anything and the witness also noticed that there were "no secondary aircraft signal lights".

The witness described the lights seen by saying, "They had a strange quality to them, they didn't flicker but looking at the centre of each one was like looking at a light being shone through ice or crystal and there was a difference in colour around the edges, as though they were sunk into a surface."

As the witness went to take out their mobile phone to video the lights, the lights reportedly started to dim, starting with the light closest to the witness.

The lights dimmed to a pinpoint, the witness also stated that the lights didn't go behind any clouds. By the time the witness pressed record on the video they lights had disappeared.

The witness walked in the direction that the lights were travelling for around 15 minutes but turned back as there was no sign of the lights and the witness went home.

The whole sighting of the lights is reported by the witness to have taken only 20 seconds.
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