Man O'War Stinging Jellyfish Found on Irish Beaches
Wednesday 6th, July 2022
2 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
The Portuguese man o'war has been found on some beaches in County Clare which has raised concerns for parents and pet owners.

There have been a number of sightings reported at Fanore beach in north County Clare, as well as at Lahinch, Doughmore, Doonbeg and further south at Kilkee.

As we move into the summer period and with some nice weather forecast for the next week there is concern as Fanore and Lahinch are popular family beaches and Lahinch being a popular surfing beach.

The man o'war is relatively rare in colder waters like the North Atlantic but they can be swept this far by winds.

The man o'war has a distinctive blue coloured gas filled balloon like float on their body and tentacles that can reach up to 20 metres in length while also being able to deliver a painful sting via it's tentacles.

Clare McGrath, County Clare’s Water Safety Development Officer has confirmed sightings in recent weeks, Fanore more so due to it's tidal activity.

McGrath has said lifegurads are on the look out for the man o'war and can get rid of them, she went on to say, "I'd be more worried about children and pets who are very curious and who are walking on the beach,".

"These siphonophores are quite distinctive and have this bluish balloon like float on their bodies, and children may be attracted to them and might poke them."

"And animals may also be inclined to approach them. Swimmers will see them instantly with their blue balloon in the water and can stay away from them."

"People should inform the lifeguards of their presence if they see them."

"If they get stung people should remove or scrape the tentacles free with something like a credit card and clean their skin with sea water to flush out the toxins."
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