COVID-19 Increase Due to BA.4 and BA.5 Omicron Sublineages - 23rd June 2022
Thursday 23rd, June 2022
1 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
There has been approximately a 36% increase in COVID-19 confirmed infections, this is based on data as of the 21st of June since the 14th of June in relation to the 14 day incident rate.

Since the end of May signals across many COVID-19 and respiratory illness surveillance systems have indicated an increase in COVID-19 circulation.

Week 24:
  • 10,435 new confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported on the Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting system (CIDR). This is an increase of 52.6% compared to week 23 when there were 6,837 confirmed COVID-19 cases notified.
  • 34,581 SARS-CoV-2 tests were performed, of which 10,224 (29.6%) were positive. This is an increase compared to week 23, when 24.5% were positive.
  • 13,059 positive antigen test results were registered on the HSE Positive Antigen Portal. This is an increase of 48.3% reported results compared to week 23 when 8,808 cases were registered
  • 79 COVID-19 outbreaks were reported in healthcare or residential settings compared to 53 in week 23.

There has been a small increase in ICU patients in relation to COVID-19, from 18 patients in on the 29th of May 2022 to between 20 to 28 patients a day since the 6th of June 2022.

The latest update from the HPSC can be read at the below link.
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