'Extinct' Giant Tortoise Species Found Alive and Well
Tuesday 14th, June 2022
1 minute read.
A species of tortoise thought to have died out over 100 years ago has been found alive and well in 2019.

Named Fernanda after the Fernandina Island, the tortoise is a of the chelonoidis phantasticus species of giant tortoise which was thought to have been last seen in the early 20th century.

Fernanda is thought to be around 50 years old and is reported to have suffered from stunted growth it hoped that the tortoise will live for many more years at the Galapagos National Park Tortoise Center.

Dr. Evelyn Jenson from the Newcastle University's School of Natural and Environmental Sciences said, "What comes next for the species depends on whether any other living individuals can be found,".

"If there are more Fernandina tortoises, then a breeding programme could start to bolster the population."

It goes to show that we still know only a fraction of what aniamls and species that are hidden around the planet waiting to be discovered or found again.
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