NASA Announces Intention to Study the UFO Phenomena
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Saturday 11th, June 2022
2 minute read.
NASA is commissioning a team to study the UFO/UAP phenomena, this comes on the heals of the recent public hearing in the United States around the UFO/UAP subject. The NASA study team will focus on, "observations of events in the sky that cannot be identified as aircraft or known natural phenomena – from a scientific perspective. The study will focus on identifying available data, how best to collect future data, and how NASA can use that data to move the scientific understanding of UAPs forward.".

Thomas Zurbuchen, the associate administrator for science at NASA Headquarters in Washington said, "NASA believes that the tools of scientific discovery are powerful and apply here also,".

"We have access to a broad range of observations of Earth from space – and that is the lifeblood of scientific inquiry. We have the tools and team who can help us improve our understanding of the unknown. That’s the very definition of what science is. That’s what we do."

NASA's independent study team will be led by astrophysicist David Spergel, who is president of the Simons Foundation in New York City, and previously the chair of the astrophysics department at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. Daniel Evans, the assistant deputy associate administrator for research at NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, will serve as the NASA official responsible for orchestrating the study.

"Given the paucity of observations, our first task is simply to gather the most robust set of data that we can," said Spergel. "We will be identifying what data – from civilians, government, non-profits, companies – exists, what else we should try to collect, and how to best analyze it."

You can read the full announcement from NASA at the below link.
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