Years of Early Alien Hunting Data Are at Risk of Being Lost Forever
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Friday 3rd, June 2022
2 minute read.
The director of the SETI@home project has said, "These machines are no longer made by a company that no longer exists and are running on an operating system that no longer exists,".

More than 20 years after this data had started being collected it look like if no one takes over the storage of the old bulky hardware and old technology then the data could be lost forever.

Eric Korpela, an astronomer and the director of SETI@home, announced that the obsolete Sun Enterprise series servers that initially linked the network were sent to Berkeley’s Excess and Salvage department, and that the Digital Linear Tape (DLT) tapes used to store the project’s first six years of data would likely be discarded as well.

"These machines are no longer made by a company that no longer exists and are running on an operating system that no longer exists,” Korpela said in a call."

"They served admirably for a decade or more,” he continued. “I think it’s kind of sad if they just fade into history without some evidence that they were there. We run through things so fast that they get lost unless we make a direct effort to save them."
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