United States Army Helicopter Films Three UAPs
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Monday 30th, May 2022
1 minute read.
Footage has been released of three unidentified fast moving object which was captured by the US Army.

The sighting is reported to have occurred on the 6th of November 2019 by a United States Army AH-64 Apache attack helicopter during a training flight in Arizona.

The story was broken by 'The Debrief' which interviewed a former Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent who has said that it isn't just the US Navy that is witnessing these unidentified objects over US airspace.

The Debrief spoke to former US Airforce fighter pilot Chris Lehto who flew F-16 jets and Lehto confirmed that the videos were "without a doubt anomalous".

"The tracking rate is exceptionally fast," he said, followed by, "Even if they are only a mile away, I calculate they go approximately 1.28M. Well past the speed of sound.".

"The circle-dance maneuver is just not possible."

"They do a full 360-degree turn in less than 3 seconds!"

The video can be viewed in the referenced links below as well as the full article by debrief.org.
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