House Struck By Lighting in Waterford
Friday 27th, May 2022
2 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
A house in Waterford was struck by lighting in a freak incident which saw damage within the house including scorch marks, luckily no injuries were reported.

The house located on Farmleigh on the Dunmore Road was struck by lighting on the 17th of May 2022 at approximately 10pm that night.

The house has significant damage from the lighting strike with an amount of debris seen outside the house from the incident.

A man from the neighbouring house described what happened as he waited for the rain to subside before entering his home.

"There was torrential I mean like monsoon rain type rain falling so we just sat in the car waiting for the rain to subside so we could go into our house and next thing, wallop, huge bang everywhere was totally white for what felt like 5 or 10 seconds, our ears were ringing there were bricks and mortar and bits of the house blown all over the place wood, tiles the whole lot", the man reported.

"We went into the house that was struck by lightning, there’s a lady who lives there who was down in the kitchen when it happened,"

"The lightning bolt came in through her bathroom through the roof and blew the shower off the wall and did a lot of damage. There was scorch marks in there"
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