Bright Object 'Falls' From The Sky During Lighting Storm Over Texas
Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Monday 9th, May 2022
2 minute read.
A video of a lighting storm recently taken by a worker at a meat packaging factory in Texas shows something 'falling' from the sky during a flash of lighting.
The 23 year old that took the video said, "I can't say that I have encountered anything like this before,", they went on to say, "I've never really recorded the skies or anything and that day of the storm I really felt the need to record. I'm open to any suggestions as to what it might be or what it was.".
There have been many suggestions as to what the light or object that was seen 'falling' from the sky during the storm, some online comments suggested that it was something out of H.G. Wells classic 'The War of the Worlds' where the invading being come to earth in meteors.
Others have suggested that it is a rarely seen form of lighting called ball lighting, while others have suggested it was just a chance recording of a meteor burning up on entry to the Earth's atmosphere during a lighting storm.
Either way the video make for a good conversation starter or a some debate as to what the object or light was, you can view the video at the below referenced link.
The 23 year old that took the video said, "I can't say that I have encountered anything like this before,", they went on to say, "I've never really recorded the skies or anything and that day of the storm I really felt the need to record. I'm open to any suggestions as to what it might be or what it was.".
There have been many suggestions as to what the light or object that was seen 'falling' from the sky during the storm, some online comments suggested that it was something out of H.G. Wells classic 'The War of the Worlds' where the invading being come to earth in meteors.
Others have suggested that it is a rarely seen form of lighting called ball lighting, while others have suggested it was just a chance recording of a meteor burning up on entry to the Earth's atmosphere during a lighting storm.
Either way the video make for a good conversation starter or a some debate as to what the object or light was, you can view the video at the below referenced link.