Canadian Farmer Has Close Encounter with Bigfoot in 1981
Wednesday 4th, May 2022
2 minute read.
Jacqueline Lange a farmer from Manitoba, Canada who works at a horse farm belives she had an encounter with bigfoot in 1981.

On a winter night in 1981 on the horse farm, Jacqueline was on her way out to the oat shed when she heard what she described as a sudden "wham" sound against the wall which gave her a fright.

Jacqueline said, "I then heard shuffling next to me in the shadows behind the shed,", followed up by, "I backed up until I could see a head and shoulders taller than the line of the shed. It looked one way, then the other and turned back staring at me.".

Jacqueline would go on to say that the creature she was witnessing would then proceed to growl at her in a low rumbling way, she felt based on this growl it wasn't a good idea to stick around so she quickly left the barn to seek assistance from others on the farm.

After going to get help from another person on the farm, Jacqueline and the farmhand proceeded back to where the creature had been seen, "We both ran back with pitchforks and it was still there, it again looked one way the other and came back looking at us and growled again,", Jacqueline went on to say, "We were screaming at it and it leaned and jumped into the paddock and ran off.".

Finally Jacqueline stated, "We were screaming at it and it leaned and jumped into the paddock and ran off.".

The police calling to the farm later that night woke Jacqueline after the horses had escaped from the barn and what has been reported was that the animals were so scared they ran straight through a fence.

Additionally that night a report from a local newspaper said that a policeman had witnessed a "tall, hairy thing" leaping over a ten foot fence.
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