Canam Missing Project - Missing 411
Thursday 17th, June 2021
2 minute read.
David Paulides is a former police officer turned investigator and writer who now dedicates his time to investigate disappearances of individuals in mostly wilderness locations. The majority of the cases David investigates have some common traits for example water and boulder fields seem to touch on all if not the majority of cases he looks into.

Paulides does all this working under the two mediums (links below), the first being the Canam Missing Project and the second being the 'Missing 411' series of books and documentaries. At the time of writing this David has released two documentary movies and 10 books under the 'Missing 411' title.

He says that his work on the subject matter began when he was doing research in a national park and an off duty park ranger found him and expressed concern about the nature of some of the missing person cases which have occurred in the park. This wasn't just a random situation where a park ranger walked up to an individual in a national park, the ranger was aware of the work that Paulides was doing and the ranger asked him to look into the issue.

As of 2019 Paulides states that he has no evidence pointing to any theory as to what could be causing the disappearances, he does however state that the "field of suspects is narrowing".
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