Unexplained Outbreak of Hepatitis in Young Children, 190 Cases Confirmed
Tuesday 26th, April 2022
1 minute read.
Ireland is one of twelve countries which has confirmed cases of hepatitis in children which is part of a larger outbreak being reported. Currently there is believed to be less than five patients in Ireland.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has said today that the outbreak was first reported this month in the UK which so far has 111 confirmed cases which are mostly children under the age of 10.

Cases have also started to be seen in the United States and Israel.

Approximately 40 cases have been confirmed in the European Union and European Economic Area said Andrea Ammon, ECDC director.

The ECDC is working with other organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) to investigate the case of this unexpected outbreak of hepatitis in young children.

It's reported that server hepatitis or inflammation of the liver is rare in otherwise healthy children.
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