University Professor Says Alien Abductions Could Be Part of Future Alien Invasion of Earth
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Tuesday 19th, April 2022
2 minute read.
Dr. David Jacobs from Temple University has claimed that after years of research that alien abductions are real and not just a figment of the imagination but also that abductions are a precursor to a future alien invasion of Earth.

Dr. Jacobs is a researcher and author who has spent many years collecting alien abduction reports and comparing the different cases.

Following all this research he now states that the abductees will have some role in a future alien invasion of Earth, as to exactly what he thinks the role of abductees will be is unknown.

"We have spread around the world and conquered as much as we can... we don't know whether this is true of other beings or not, but it certainly is true of what humans have done"

"My best guess - and this is a guess - is that yeah, they're doing the same thing", followed by "This is what they do just like us".

Dr. Jacobs went on to say to address the reports of human like aliens onboard craft during alien abductions stating that these human like beings might be part of the future alien invasion, using these human like beings to infiltrate the human race.

"What they were describing was that the ones on board who looked really, really human were coming down and trying to learn what it's like to walk among us, to be human" he said.

"At that point I knew, it's integration into society, prior to takeover... They can control us, and we can't control them. They are superhumans, so to speak"

"Whether they are going to take over or not, they can control the human mind... I don't know what's going to happen after that, I fear the worst"

As to whether Dr. Jacobs is onto something or just connecting the dots, time till tell.
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