Are Shadow People Real or a Manifestation of Our Imagination
Monday 14th, March 2022
3 minute read.
Have you experienced being watched while alone in your house or when walking up the stairs, or even walking down a quiet road alone at night and having that uneasy feeling that someone or something is watching you, you turn around and scan the area and look intensely at the shaded/dark areas where light doesn't penetrate to find, nothing, it was just a feeling and you continue on.

Sometimes the feeling doesn't abate after the your short investigation, and the feeling of being watched can last the whole time your on that road or walking up the stairs until your turn a corner onto a new road or you enter a room.

Other times you could be sitting watching television or reading a book and out of the corner of your eye you notice a dark figure but as soon as you turn to see what or who it was the figure is gone, these experiences are known by some as 'peepers'.

Another type of encounter that has been reported by many people over the years are of similar incidents where the witness would be in bed in a low lit or dark room when the witness would have a feeling of someone else in the room with them.

The witness would in most cases proceed to look up over their blankets and in pure shock would see a dark figure standing at the end of their bed, in an attempt to see if what the witness was seeing, they would blink to brush off the sleep, as soon as the witness would blink the figure would be gone. These experiences are known as full body apparitions.

There is another type of shadow figure that has been reported over the years. Known as the hat man, the hat man is said to be associated with impending trouble or misfortune. Similar to other shadow figure experiences the hat man is also a dark or black figure with no discernible features, but the hat man differs, as in the name, this figure is wearing a fedora, or some type of long brimmed hat.

Additionally the hat man appears to wear some type of coat, often described as a trench coat, some accounts say the figure has red eyes, but most witnesses say his face is obscured and they can make out a general outline of where he’s located. Witnesses describe his height being about six feet tall.

There have been a few reported cases of experiences with the hat man in dreams, they usually go along the lines of the witness in the dream is in a familiar please, walking around looking for something or someone.

In one reported dream the witness was in their dream and made their way to the sitting room in their house at the time. They entered the sitting room with the door to the room hinged on the left, then stepped into the room and as they scanned the room from right to left, as they got to looking behind the door they would see the hat man towering over them, the figure's hat and the shadow of the hat on the figures face always obscured the facial features. The hat man would then proceed to reach out and touch the witness on the left shoulder and in that moment the witness would wake up from their dream in a cold sweat, breathing heavy and in fear.
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