Matthew Clarke and Tanya Rodgers, Cork Supernatural Society - 4th December 2024 - Live Stream (Replay) - Shadow Whispers In The Night
 Online Paranormal Shows
Thursday 5th, December 2024
2 minute read.
Ireland Report / Story
Shadow Whispers in the Night streamed a live show with hosts Jenny and Louise talking to Matthew Clarke and Tanya Rodgers from Cork Supernatural Society talking about investigations.

Some interesting points are brought up about how you need to be careful using just a single piece of equipment on an investigation as you can very easily get false positives, you need multiple methods to capture and analyse any suspected evidence captured.

Additionally an interesting point was discussed about what a human soul could be, being led down the path by what Buddhist's believe, that nothing ever stops existing but just changes form.

From the Emerald Isle Paranormal Researchers Facebook page,
Join myself and Louise as we chat with Matthew Clarke and Tanya Rodgers from Cork Supernatural Society.

Tanya And Matthew are two esteemed paranormal investigators from the Cork Supernatural Society team founded in 2013 (C.S.S). Both of them had early life experience's with the paranormal and it eventually brought them together when they met on an investigation.

Since then they have traveled Ireland and abroad together and with the team in search of further answers into the mystery's subject of the paranormal and will discuss their experience's and most haunted location we have come across to date plus much more.
Here at our aim is to bring you the latest, accurate and most up to date information in unexplained mysteries, strange phenomena, the paranormal, disappearances and the oddities of the universe, especially based in and around Ireland.
