Uruguayan Navy Officer Claimed to Almost Have Shot an Alien
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Wednesday 9th, March 2022
2 minute read.
On Saturday the 28th of October 1972 an incident occurred when five Navy personnel were stationed at a lighthouse performing some standard maintenance.

Just after 10pm on the night in question Corporal Fuentes went to check the generators, leaving the rest of the men drinking and playing cards in the living quarters.

As Fuentes made his way to the lighthouse he spotted something on the buildings terrace that confused him so he turned back and retrieved his side arm and proceeded back to the lighthouse without alerting the rest of the men.

After returning to the lighthouse, Fuentes noticed a strange object which he described as being made up of several lights that were illuminated, additionally Fuentes said that he saw three humanoid figures.

Then all of sudden Fuentes found himself face to face with these three creatures looking directly at him which in natural reaction to defend himself, Fuentes raised his pistol and directed it at the three creatures.

At this point the three creatures proceeded to re-enter the object that it is suspected they came from, the object ascended straight up while emitting a humming noise, Fuentes says that once the object reached approximately 45 metres, the object tilted and traveled off to the south east with a fireball under it.
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