Valencia Woman Claims Ex-Partner Hired Medium to Intimidate Her
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A 41-year-old woman from Valencia has accused her former partner of using a medium to intimidate her as part of an ongoing domestic violence investigation. The woman, who remains unnamed, told police that she was living in constant fear and had to change her daily routine out of concern that her ex-partner might harm her.

According to her statement, the former boyfriend, who faces multiple allegations of assault, frequently threatened to commit suicide, warning her that if she left him, "he would take someone with him."

One of the more unusual aspects of the case involves the woman's claim that her ex-partner paid a medium to distress her by moving objects and furniture within her home. She reported witnessing a painting "rise above the table where it was leaning and fall to the ground shortly after."

In another incident, she heard loud footsteps behind a wall. Shortly after, her ex-partner arrived, claiming he had experienced a "ghostly vision" of her recently deceased father. The supposed apparition warned that "bad things would happen and that she would die" if the couple did not remain together.

The former partner also claimed that the ghost caused a glass to shatter on a shelf in another room of his home, where a bust had been moved. The shelf reportedly held a photograph of the woman with her father.

In September, the woman contacted the police after discovering her home in disarray. A television and vase had been knocked over, and a doll had been placed at the entrance to her bedroom. Police found no signs of forced entry or theft.

The woman's ex-partner was subsequently arrested on charges of domestic violence, and a restraining order has been put in place. The alleged incidents are now part of an ongoing police investigation.
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