The Manhattan Alien Abduction Documentary & Official Trailer
 Alien Life & UFO/UAPs
Monday 14th, October 2024
The case of Linda Napolitano, also known as the “Manhattan Alien Abduction”, is considered one of the most puzzling and would be considered a well publicised alien abduction story in UFO circles. The incident reportedly took place in the early hours of 30 November 1989, when Napolitano (then going by the name Linda Cortile) claimed she was abducted from her high rise apartment in New York City, close to the Brooklyn Bridge.

According to Napolitano, the experience began when a blue white light filled her apartment, and she found herself paralysed and unable to move. She described being floated out of her 12th floor apartment through a closed window, accompanied by three small humanoid beings. These creatures were described as having grey skin, large heads, and black, almond shaped eyes traits commonly associated with “grey” aliens. The beings allegedly transported her into a craft that hovered in the sky, just above the bridge. Napolitano described undergoing a series of frightening examinations and medical tests aboard the ship, which left her physically and emotionally shaken.

One of the aspects that makes this case particularly compelling is the claim that there were multiple witnesses to the event. In the years following her abduction, Napolitano’s account was supported by a pair of bodyguards who said they were in a vehicle with a high ranking United Nations official near the Brooklyn Bridge at the time. The two men, referred to as "Richard" and "Dan" in later accounts, claimed to have seen Napolitano floating through the air in a beam of light, with a glowing craft above.

Richard and Dan reported feeling deeply disturbed by what they saw, with Dan allegedly suffering from extreme mental trauma afterwards. In a series of letters to Budd Hopkins, a well known UFO researcher who worked closely with Napolitano on her case, the men recounted seeing the craft, the floating woman, and experiencing significant distress over their inability to stop what they were witnessing. It was also suggested that a high profile political figure, later rumoured to be Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, the former Secretary General of the United Nations, may have been in the car and witnessed the abduction himself. However, Pérez de Cuéllar never publicly confirmed this.

Budd Hopkins, a respected figure in the UFO community and author of several books on alien abductions, was central to the investigation of Linda Napolitano’s claims. Hopkins began working with Napolitano shortly after the incident, documenting her experiences in his book 'Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions'. He was one of the first to make her story widely known and argued that her case provided credible evidence of extraterrestrial involvement.

Hopkins was particularly intrigued by the supposed physical evidence associated with the abduction. Napolitano reported a range of physical symptoms following her encounter, including nosebleeds, which led to the discovery of what she believed was an alien implant in her nasal cavity. X-rays allegedly revealed an object lodged in her nose, but it was never conclusively analysed. Hopkins also believed that the trauma experienced by the witnesses lent credence to Napolitano’s story.

Despite its compelling nature, Napolitano’s story has faced intense scepticism. Critics point to several factors that raise doubts about the validity of the account. First, the witnesses who supported her story remained anonymous for years, and there has been no official confirmation that Pérez de Cuéllar or any other high ranking officials were present at the time of the alleged abduction. Additionally, some UFO researchers have raised concerns about the lack of physical evidence and inconsistencies in the timeline of events.

Some have suggested that the witnesses were fabrications or that they may have been involved in a psychological or even political hoax. The theory of a political cover up has also been floated, though this remains speculative.

Napolitano has maintained that her story is true, insisting that the trauma of the experience still haunts her. Over the years, she has avoided the spotlight, preferring to remain largely out of public view, though she has participated in some interviews and investigations into the event.

The Linda Napolitano case remains one of the most controversial and widely debated abduction stories in UFO history. Whether viewed as undeniable proof of alien life or an elaborate hoax, the case has kept both believers and sceptics talking for decades. With Netflix’s The Manhattan Alien Abduction, which includes previously unseen footage and new interviews, this decades old mystery could see renewed interest and possibly new revelations.

Given the involvement of key players like Napolitano and the production team’s access to a wealth of untapped material, this documentary series is set to dive deeper into a case that has already stirred so much fascination and controversy. Whether the docu-series can bring any new clarity to the event—or simply fuel further debate—remains to be seen.

The series will be available on Netflix from the 30th of October 2024.
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